Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Muffin Mania

So, the muffins are all gone. You must have to have some extreme will power to be able to resist muffins that are on the counter just waiting for you. I know Ryan woke up in the middle of the night and had one too!

Had some overnight oats again this morning (yes, im obsessed), and added mango and raspberries.
And almond butter, as always
 Brought my mother to the gym today. And the gym wasn't able to hassle us about getting her a membership because she is from out of town (YES! Gym: 0, Me: 1 ).  I did 30 minutes of power walking with an incline of 12.0 and speed of 3.5. (My mom watched me for 28 minutes of this). Then, I showed her around the machine area and we did a few assisted pull-ups, hamstring curls, and pushups on the bosu. Next up we did a "strongbody class", filled with mostly women who are over the age of 40. The class was pretty good, but it only utilized each set of muscles in one way. So biceps were only done with bicep curls for 3 minutes, not different variations of bicep excercies (which uses the other muscles of the biceps and the ones in and around it). Same went for all of the other muscles. And when he said "core", I thought some planks or back  extensions would happen, but we did 5 minutes of crunches! What is with that! Especially when its been said that crunches are the most inefficient ways to work your abdominals.
All in all, my heart rate monitor said I burned 650 calories (I think 500 of those are from the power walk).

On the way home I  split one of my homemade granola bars with my mom, then made a HealthMonster Skintastic Smoothie for us.
  •          4 handfuls baby spinach, one ripe avocado, 1/2 cup blueberries, 2 tablespoons flax and chia powder, 1 cup rice milk (vanilla flavoured), 1/4 cup OJ, and 1/2 cup frozen strawberries. Then blend in food processor.
The vanilla flavoured rice milk added a nice touch, especially paired with the OJ ---> tasted like a creamsicle!

Since smoothies don't fill you up for long, even though I added the avocado today, I had a mineola (so yummy, even if its some scary fruit hybrid).

Was planning on having leftover tempeh sloppy joes for lunch, but Ryan had the last TWO BUNS for his sandwiches. So I made a veggie pasta with the leftover tomato sauce from yesterday.

Veggie Pasta on Brown Rice Noodles:
  • 2 cups pasta sauce (I used my homemade tomato sauce)
  • 1 tablespoon oil for sauteing
  • 12 "sticks" of asparagus
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushroom
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon cayenne
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
Saute the asparagus (cut into 1 inch long sections), onion (chopped), garlic (minced), and mushroom (sliced thin) in the oil. Saute for about 5 minutes or until onion is translucent.  Add sauce to this mixture and saute for another 5-8 minutes. Add your salt, pepper and cayenne, stir for 30 seconds. Add on top of noodles (I always have brown rice noodles) and enjoy!
Saute it up!
Voila! Easy Peasy!

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